Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ATTN: All Artists, DJ's, Models... Need a Publicist?

Diana Wilson Public Relations is looking for new clientele. We work with artist and inventors who already have a product i.e-book, record, modeling career that needs exposure, or a new invention. Our job will be to get you greater media exposure, be it online through blogs, or writing to editors.... It all depends on what you do. Our research will let us know what direction to go as far as exposure.

I know you all have friends who have friends who have friends who are into one thing or another, but if you (or they) are serious, this could be the first step into the lime light.

You may want to work with us because:

1. You have work or family commitments, you can't devote the time to create and manage a major publicity campaign.

2. You work for yourself, but running your business entails hundreds of other tasks that leave time for little else.

3. You're an author who's on a book tour, or you're busy working on your next book and don't have time to devote to a publicity campaign.

4. You're an author whose contract with your publisher has expired, you can no longer work with their publicist, and you're on your own.

5. You are aware that your publisher is handling many books at the same time and you know it's important to have a publicist unrelated to the publisher working directly with you from the beginning.

6. You have a job such as a consulting practice, and your time is better spent making money on client projects than it is doing your own publicity.

7. You don't have the right kinds of media contacts.

8. You're familiar with the basics of how to get local publicity, but you want to take your campaign to the national level and don't know how.

9. You want publicity in a certain part of the country and you would prefer to work with a professional who has strong media contacts within that region or state.

10. You're trying to get in front of people within a particular industry but don't know the best ways to reach them.

11. Even though you feel comfortable interviewing with the media, you don't like the thought of calling reporters and editors on the phone and asking them to cover your story. (More about this in a minute.)

12. You're doing most of your own publicity yourself. But there's one aspect of it that you don't know how to do or don't want to do, such as setting up an online media room. A publicist can help fill in the gaps by doing small-project work.

13. You're already a successful Publicity Hound who is writing articles, doing radio interviews and appearing on TV shows. You're so busy being in the media spotlight that you need someone behind the scenes who can keep you on track and focused. As your publicist I will work several steps ahead of you, lining up interviews for next week and beyond.

I can answer most of your questions and address any concerns. Feel free to contact me via e-mail at telliey@yahoo.com or AIM - telliey

Spread the word, thanks for reading
Chantel Williamson
Public Relations Assistant

Take The Next Step

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Murphy's Place

Thursday night was another venture on the Dallas club scene. We went to Murphy's. Being from Brooklyn, I'm accustomed to a certain type of party, but it wasn't a flop as I had originally thought it would be. I've noticed that in TX most of the clubs are small restaurant/bar type clubs. They're bigger than Universal Resorts, in Brooklyn, NY, which is a small club in East Flatbush knows for 'hood' parties. In TX there is a higher level of class. The girls out here are real girly girls. Although the music wasn't my taste (example: "Walk with a dip", "Ice Cream Paint Job", and "Mr. Hit That Hoe") it was fun.The DJ played a little bit of everything so I got a chance to get my reggae on. He wasn't Funk Master Flex though. All in all it was a good experience. I would recommend this spot for after work hang outs or for someone who just wants to go out and have a nice time with out having to spent 10-15 minutes at a time just trying to get accross the room. Good DJ... expensive drinks.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Can you feel the feel that I feel? This feeling has got my head spinning like I'm tipsy. It's a feeling in my stomach that came from my heart and is starting to run through my brain. Its scary yet enticing, this feeling of mine. I should say our feeling because I know that you can feel the feel that I feel. I feel it when I talk to you. Your mood changes to match mine and that feeling sends sensations running down my spine.

Can you feel the feel that I feel? Or am I just crazy feeling this way about you? I've felt the changes and I know you can feel them too. My mind is reeling with the combination of feelings that I feel for you. If only you could touch me. To make the connections to my feelings real. Your touch makes me melt when I feel your lips on my body. That's a feeling I feel only wen I'm sleeping, it has yet to become a reality for you and me.

Can you feel the feel that I feel? Do you desire to make these feelings real?
These are my feelings...

My Plight

I don't know what brought this up... maybe its because lately I've been telling all of my friends that they should pray but I can't even remember the last time I been down on my knees...

Its not that I don't know how to pray. I grew up in a Christian home. My mom taught me about God n Jesus and my grandma taught me all my prayers. I went to a Christian school for 3 years and when I was in TX as a kid with my mom I don't think there was a day out the week we weren't in church. We had Sunday school, morning and evening service, choir rehearsal, praise team practice, bible study, and missionettes...

"So what's the problem?" your thinking... I don't know... :(

This is how it started

Christmas eve (06) we went to church. I was living with my friend Ashley Stewart and her family at the time. First off we were late, but as soon as we got there I was eager to go into the sanctuary. As soon as we sat down I began to cry. I was seriously flooding with tears and I could barely control it. The preacher spoke to me and that day I re-dedicated my life to the Lord. It felt so good...

I met my friends aunt Johnnie... and God knows there are no words to describe her. She began to speak to me and my friend Alegra kept calling. She was a close friend of ours in California was was supposed to be at the house for dinner with her "fiance". When she finally arrived it all started Prayer... crying... telling... speaking, and more prayer and tears. Then Ashley's little sister, Melody (who drs said would be mentally challenged because of her downs syndrome, and she still proves them wrong to this day) began telling a story, at first we didn't understand. She spoke of a tree covered by a white cloud that was growing IN the water and was nurturing white flowers. We asked her to go into detail and then corrected her and told her that a tree can grow near water but not in it, but she insisted. The tree was IN the water. That day we discovered that Alegra had the gift of interpretation. Melody was talking about me...

New years eve... We went to church. Normal church service. That night the ball dropped and we all celebrated with a toast. (Uncle James, Aunt Janice, Aunt Johnnie, Mom Stewart, Ashley, and I) After the toast we began to pray and Uncle James laid his hands on my head and prayed. He told me to speak in tongues because I could. But I was scared because I never had. Yet he was telling me.. No commanding that the tongues fill my mouth and speak, but my body got weak and I fell down. I wasn't unconscious or anything, but my eyes were closed and God was speaking to me. When I got up every one in the room, including Ashley, was speaking in tongues. Uncle James was praying over her so I went and laid my hands on her shoulders as he prayed. Once again his hands were laid on me as they prayed over me and I began to sob uncontrollably. I sat down on the floor and began crying and praying asking God to forgive me for my sexual past. I was so sick of it and the way I had always felt. As aunt Johnnie rubbed my back I began screaming that what ever was in me get out and leave me alone. I screamed and screamed and cried until my throat was raw but I still prayed. Then I began going back and forth between speaking in tongues and English. It scared me so bad because I didn't know what I was saying but I was conscious of how I felt. Then aunt Janice came to me and told me to speak in tongues and I cried but I couldn't will myself to speak. She laid her hands on my belly and mom Stewart laid her hands on my throat. I could feel myself fighting but the words came rushing out of my mouth hot and fast (yes they felt hot). All of this while tears were streaming down my face. After that night, I never felt the same.

When I went to boot camp in Feb. On our 1st few days there one of my ship mated had a seizure while we were eating dinner. Naturally those who were around him including myself tried to help him by laying him on his side but we were yelled out because its a rule in boot camp that under no circumstances are we to touch each other. They cleared out the room and left the guy there. We all thought he was gonna die because it didn't seem like any one was helping him. They took us back to our "ship" and we were all standing at attention in front of our racks like the soldiers we were training to be. Yet we all had tears in our eyes and one girl fell to her knees and began to cry. One by one the ladies in the room dropped to their knees crying. I found myself in the middle of the room telling them to be strong. I began speaking words of encouragement and suddenly I began to pray. Praying faster and faster I started praying in tongues. I was loud... and I felt... different. When I was finished praying I collapsed to the floor. The chief of my division was standing in the door way. Normally we would have gotten in trouble. I don't know if it was due to the circumstances or because of the power of God but the chief acted as if nothing had happened. After that all of the people in my division came to me for prayer. It felt good. They voted me to be the Recruit Chaplain Petty Officer (or the recruit religious petty officer) and I was proud that people could see me that way. It was a unanimous vote and people were supposed to volunteer for the jobs. Either way it made me feel good.

But after boot camp I fell back into my same ways and I guess I was afraid to pray because I thought God was disappointed in me... I tried to go to church a few times since then but I just get so scared to pray and so scared that I might speak in tongues again that all I can do is cry. I know God has a plan for me but I don't think I'm strong enough or ready for that type of power. I don't think I'm good enough. So I just keep running away. I don't want to be another Jonah cuz I'm not tryna get swallowed up by no whale :) but I don't wanna find out how he gonna get me to do his work either. I'm so confused. And living in this ghetto neighborhood is not helping. On one had I'm just a regular hood girl, and on the other I'm a really spiritual lady. I guess I stick to the hood side because I know I can't fail at being a sinner... its sad really... I'm just so confused as to what I'm supposed to do :(

Any comments? Opinions?? Words of advice??? Help me

Open Mic... My First Time

So... I'm in Dallas, TX. Long way from home, but last night I had fun. My cousin and I, along with her best friend and a few co-workers went to a jazz club called TePheJez.
It reminded me of a play I did in High School for a book called 'The Cotillion'. One of the scenes was in a spoken word cafe. Instead of clapping we would snap our approval, and that's exactly what I walked into last night. The featured speaker, also known as "The Voice", is the president of the 'I Have A Dream Foundation', an English major, and have a humorous play on words. Other artists had poems so deep it made you really think about life, love, and God.
Then there was the select few that talked about sex in a way that seemed so natural... so sexy... so soulful... so... so... so something I have never experienced before, and here I was thinking I'd been making good love all this time. I even joked with my cousin saying that we should leave early, because the words they were saying was making me want to have sex with men I didn't even know, that's how deep it was. I felt like with his words alone this man was undressing me, loving me, touching me, and caressing me... only with the syllables that came out of his mouth. I loved it. I loved it so much I was moved to do a poem of my own. I was nervous, since it was my first time ever reciting my poetry to strangers, but they loved me. I think I'm gonna go back next week.

This is what I said last night.

I love you, I love you, I love you
I hear myself say it all the time
But am I really speaking the truth
Or just repeating the same old lie
Pouring out of my mouth
Into the cup that is their heart
The sweet taste of the melodic words
To me it has become an art
So tell me since I lie about what I desire
Will there ever be someone that can truly inspire
My heart to open up
And experience what I imitate
Will love ever let me truly participate
I wonder...

I hate you, I hate you, I swear I do
For all the things you ever put me through
The pain, the lies, the years of my life
That I'll never get back
And suffer for because of their lack
You, YES YOU, and your selfish actions
Have been one of the biggest distractions
In life, that I have yet to get over
And over, and over and over a-fucking-gain
I stress myself out
Over what YOU did to me in the past
I'm trying my best to get over it
But I cant just delete what is a part of me
That same pain that I hate is my very entity
It hurts me...

I want I want, no I need you
To come to me like you usually do
And like how you're doing right now
It feels good to have you enter my mind
Travel through my body
Until you decide the way you want to exit
And release you wonder
Either through my mouth or my finger tips
Its beautiful the way you tome to me
Then are released by me into this world
As an expression, a thought, a quote or a song
These are my words...

Not bad for a first timer